T-38 Talon

Northrop built this USAF advanced jet trainer. It was the world’s first supersonic trainer. The first T-38’s were delivered to the USAF in 1961.
The T-38 is considered an excellent advanced trainer for USAF pilots. It is supersonic with a maximum speed of Mach 1.24, It has flight characteristics similar to front line AF fighter aircraft. It has two GE engines with approximately 3,000 lb thrust each, and more with afterburner, providing excellent power for these rather light aircraft.
It is difficult to spin and good for air combat maneuvers as well as flying formation and night/instrument training. NASA uses the T-38 for astronaut training and transportation.This plane was built in 1964. The AMK has named as its honorary pilot, General Dan Cherry, a native Kentuckian and former Thunderbird commander and lead pilot. Its restoration to full Thunderbird colors was led by Vince Hammons, a former Thunderbirds crew chief and by AMK volunteer Randy Fuller.
The Air Force demonstration team, the Thunderbirds, flew the T-38 for 8 years (1974-1982).