

Enshrinement Ceremony for Kentucky Aviation Hall of Fame to Take Place on November 4, 2023

Monday, May 1, 2023 

Kentucky – The Kentucky Aviation Hall of Fame is pleased to announce its upcoming enshrinement ceremony on November 4, 2023. The ceremony will take place at the Aviation Museum of Kentucky in Lexington and will honor three outstanding aviators who have made significant contributions to the aviation industry in Kentucky.

Dean Hammond, Roy E. Osborne, and John Charles are the three inductees who will be enshrined at the ceremony. 
Dean Hammond, a successful businessman and aviator with 54 years of flying experience has flown multiple airplanes and helicopters and has trained current and new pilots as a flight instructor. Hammond has also served as Chief of Aviation for the United States Military Training Mission to Saudi Arabia and has flown governors, secretaries, and commissioners during four administrations

Roy E. Osborne, an aviation enthusiast and pioneer in Kentucky aviation, was the first Kentucky State Trooper to fly for the police and Director of Airport Development. He had over 14,000 hours of flying time and was a tremendous asset to the development of aviation in Kentucky.

John Charles had dreamed of becoming an astronaut as a child. While never getting the chance to go into space, he did work for NASA for a large part of his career investigating orthostatic intolerance in astronauts, which is caused by insufficient blood pressure in the brain. Charles also worked on the shuttle/Mir program and was a project scientist for several space shuttle missions.

The Kentucky Aviation Hall of Fame is honored to welcome these distinguished individuals into its ranks and celebrate their aviation achievements.   

The 2023 Aviation Achievement Award will be presented to Corning Inc.  Corning’s advanced technologies have been vital to the evolution of the aerospace and defense industry, enabling NASA astronauts to reach new heights safely, telescopes to see deeper into the vast universe, and advanced rovers to study the surface of Mars.
The enshrinement ceremony is open to the public, and tickets will be offered starting in September. More information about the Kentucky Aviation Hall of Fame is available at our website,

Jim McCormick
Aviation Museum of Kentucky
[email protected]

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