

Museum presents Girls in Aerospace Program

Saturday, March 11, 2023

LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY. The Aerospace Education Center at The Aviation Museum of Kentucky has taken a significant step forward in inspiring young girls to explore the world of aviation and aerospace. The center hosted its first-ever “Girls in Aerospace” program, aimed at empowering young girls and encouraging them to pursue careers in the field. The program, funded by NASA Kentucky at the University of Kentucky, featured ten presenters who showed the participants that there is more to aviation and aerospace than just being a pilot.

The program was designed for girls between the ages of 10 and 17, with a special focus on students from underserved communities who may not see aerospace as a possible future job choice. The Museum Chairman, Jim McCormick, emphasized that every girl deserves the chance to reach for the stars and explore the exciting world of aerospace. The program was a perfect opportunity to discover the endless career possibilities that await them.

The program’s success is critical as women make up less than 20% of the workforce in most aviation occupations. For the last sixty years, the introduction of women into the industry has been largely stagnant. The program aimed to overcome several barriers, including lack of visibility/access to aviation, lack of parent/child awareness, lack of counselor/teacher awareness, lack of mentoring, and gender stereotypes.

The Aerospace Education Center’s initiative is commendable, as attracting, retaining, and advancing women in aviation is critical to the industry’s safety, sustainability, profitability, and ability to innovate. The program’s success has paved the way for future programs to be planned, and it is hoped that more young girls will be inspired to pursue careers in aviation and aerospace.

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