Tuesday, April 19, 2022
LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY: Before establishing organized STEM curricula in our schools, the Summer Camp at The Aviation Museum of Kentucky offered future aeronautical specialists and pilots an engaging experience in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. The campers even enjoyed a flight and the opportunity to enter flying time in a logbook, just like a licensed pilot.
These sessions are back again in 2022.
For 2022, the Aviation Summer Camps will be conducted in five cities around Kentucky, including Lexington. Following six sessions at Blue Grass Airport beginning June 6, camps will be held in Bowling Green (July 11,13 and 15), Pikeville (July 20), Louisville (June 28 and July 1), and for the first time, the Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky Airport (July 7). Camps are offered by age groups, from ages 10 to 17, with a special camp in Lexington that accepts adults.
The relevance of the summer camp program is immediately evident: the aerospace field is in dire need of home-grown talent. Research in space continues on the International Space Station.
The American military regularly cites the need for pilots and maintenance personnel.
The volume of commercial flights keeps some U.S. airports the busiest in the world. And a changing consumer behavior—shopping online—has added demand to FedEx, UPS, and their airborne package shipping competitors. These all point to careers in aviation and related fields that are fulfilling and well-paid.
“If your child aspires to travel across the sky or into space, the perfect place to launch is Aviation Summer Camp,” said Camp Director Bob Jones. “In two days, our campers learn about aeronautics, gain simulator time, and have a one-of-a-kind experience.” Jones also added, “We offer financial aid to eligible students; parents who would like to enroll their daughter or son may be able to take advantage of this aid. The forms to request this are available on the Museum’s website.”
Enrollment applications and other information can be found at www.aviationky.org/camps. Sessions tend to fill quickly, and prompt action by interested campers is encouraged. Email contact can be made at [email protected]. Contact by phone/voice mail is at 859-353-0467.
Aviation Summer Camp is conducted by the Aviation Museum of Kentucky, 4029 Airport Road, at Blue Grass Airport. The museum is a non-profit corporation and serves as the home of the Kentucky Aviation Hall of Fame.