Monday, November 2, 2020
LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY: A new unwrapped toy for the holiday TOYS FOR TOTS collection earns free admission to the Aviation Museum of Kentucky from November 3 through December 4, 2020.
The museum at Blue Grass Airport continues its partnership with the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve as an official drop-off site for the 2020 TOYS FOR TOTS campaign. Barrels for toy donation will be available in the lobby, accessible to all museum guests.
“The museum is happy to serve as a drop-off site for TOYS FOR TOTS,” said Hunter Moore, Operations Director for the aviation museum. “If the museum can make Christmas better for just one child after this tough year, we’ll know our toy barrels have done their job.”
The Aviation Museum of Kentucky is located at 4029 Airport Road, adjacent to Blue Grass Airport in Lexington. Hours are 10a-5p Tuesday-Saturday, and 1p-5p on Sunday. It is the official aviation museum of the Commonwealth as well as home to the Kentucky Aviation Hall of Fame. The museum operates as a non-profit corporation. For more information, visit, or call 859-231-1219.