Group Tour

Group Tour Information
Group tours (Ages 6+) must be registered two weeks in advance and be a minimum of ten people in order to qualify for the group rates. Please call us at 859-231-1219 to schedule your group. Our staff is ready to answer all of your questions and provide accommodations to ensure your experience at the museum is enjoyable.
- Working Hours
Group Tours are generally conducted Tuesday through Friday. Call us regarding possible weekend tours.
January – March (Winter schedule): Tours 11:00 am and 1:30 pm.
April – May and July-December: Tours: 10:30 am and 1:30 pm.
We Are Closed On Monday
- Admission Fee
All Tour admissions are $9.00 each, no charge for age 5 and below
Payment is based on one payment, Credit Card, Check, or Cash, due on day of tour.
AMK Group Tour Reservation Request
Group Tours are generally conducted Tuesday through Friday. Call us regarding possible weekend tours.
January – March (Winter schedule): Tours 11:00 am and 1:30 pm. April – May and July-December: Tours: 10:30 am and 1:30 pm. No Group tours in June; CLOSED on MONDAYS.
All Tour admissions are $9.00 each, no charge for age 5 and below. Payment is based on one payment, Credit Card, Check, or Cash, due on day of tour.
You will be contacted by phone or email to CONFIRM your Group Tour date and time requested.